Tax scams are despicable. They take advantage of the public’s general lack of knowledge surrounding tax issues and make an appeal to the authority of state tax authorities and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Unfortunately, we are quickly approaching the peak season for tax scams. Scammers tend to increase their attempts during the summertime, making right now the perfect time to learn how you can avoid being their next victim.
Continue reading to find out what tax agencies and authorized collection agencies will NEVER do:
- They will never demand an immediate payment using a specified method such as debit card, gift card, or wire transfer.
- They will never threaten to have you arrested by law enforcement for not making the requested payments.
- They will never demand that you pay taxes without providing an opportunity to question or appeal the amount owed.
- They will never ask you for your tax ID number, credit card number, debit card number, or other important financial information.
- They will never use email, text, or social media to discuss tax issues such as back axes, tax payments, or tax refunds.
Again, they will NEVER do these things. Not sometimes. Not rarely. NEVER.
Don’t Fall Victim to Their Scams
If you receive a phone call or encounter anyone attempting the above actions, do not give them any information and cease communication with them immediately. Then, contact the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration and Federal Trade Commission to report the incident.
If you have legitimate tax issues you need help resolving, your best course of action is to get in touch with an experienced tax attorney who can protect your rights and achieve the best possible settlement terms.